How automated advertising increased's sales in Germany: 266 conversions and ROAS of 1,602%

logo 🌳🇩🇪 is Germany’s leading e-shop specialising in garden products. It offers a wide range of garden and outdoor products covering the needs of gardeners and nature lovers.


PPC advertising for garden products brings its own specific challenges, especially when it comes to seasonality and competing on platforms like Google. Given our goal for 2024 to successfully increase the number of e-shops in the Western market, we decided to help German e-shop 2dekansje to optimize their PPC campaigns.

In this case study, we’ll look at how our automated technology, overseen by our PPC specialists, successfully set up and optimized campaigns for, becoming their effective additional marketing channel.

Our approach

To successfully promote garden products, seasonality and specific user needs must be taken into account. Based on these factors and our previous positive experiences, we have chosen the following strategy:

1. Product segmentation and campaign optimization:

Products were divided into two main groups:

a) High selling products: these products sell well and have stable sales.

b) Products with lower conversion rates: These products were not performing well and therefore we applied a different bidding strategy to them.

Each group has its own advertising mix with a different bidding strategy and target ROAS.

2. Automation and Budget Optimization:

Campaign budgets were set automatically. If a campaign performs well, the daily budget is automatically increased.

The technology also periodically adjusts bidding strategies with a priority on optimizing ROAS.

3. Seasonal Adjustment:

Since the garden category is heavily influenced by seasonality, we strategically adjusted campaigns to seasonal trends. This included increasing budget and campaign intensity during periods of increased demand.

4. Elimination of brand keywords:

We excluded brand keywords in the campaign to avoid conversions based on search queries directly to the brand. This ensured that all conversions come from generic search queries, which increases the credibility and independence of the campaigns.


Thanks to careful product segmentation and optimized bidding strategies, significant sales growth was achieved for Despite seasonal fluctuations and market competition, we achieved the following results:

New sales: PPC campaigns resulted in a significant increase in sales, which brought new orders, increased revenue and expanded market share.

Efficient use of budgets: automating budgets and optimising bids led to efficient use of funds and maximum return on investment.

Saving time and resources: thanks to automation and careful campaign monitoring, we have minimized the need for manual management, saving time and resources for further optimizations.

Results achieved by us in the measurement period Q1 2024 (1 January 2024 - 31 March 2024)

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The case study shows that automated, properly set up and optimised PPC campaigns can deliver excellent results even for e-shops with seasonal products. Our strategy of product segmentation, budget automation and seasonal campaign customization has proven to be key to success.

We can recommend this approach to other e-tailers looking for effective ways to increase their sales through PPC advertising.

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